“If we all become negative about negativity, then we would negate most negative things.” — Harville Hendrix
Every decision you make will have a consequence, whether good or bad. It is what you make of it. Therefore, it is important to have a positive outlook in life despite how negative and difficult the circumstances may be at times. Sadly, the reality is quite the opposite. Many people have become de-sensitized, indifferent, depressed, and angry due to the terrible news, violence, bullying, racism, stereotyping and discrimination. Collectively, this results in neglect for each other, for animals, and for our environment. Where is the compassion, understanding, love, kindness, and respect that we are all capable of showing?
A common source of negativity comes from someone making an offensive comment or gesture. Sometimes, it comes from your own subjective interpretation/perception of a situation. It takes a lot of energy to be upset, which can last for hours, days, months or even years. People tend to become attached to the feelings that upset them and then evoke those bad memories over and over again.
Consequently, your next interaction with someone may become jaded by past experience and you might subconsciously spread more negativity by saying something offensive or interpret the situation the same way as you have done so in the past. You must be mindful and vigilant about negative thoughts that infiltrate your mind. You must become negative about negativity.
Ask yourself if it is worth wasting your energy being upset or angry about it. Think consciously and find the positive in everything. Acknowledge every event in your life as a lesson to learn from. Whenever something negative happens, try to catch yourself before reacting emotionally. Practice not allowing your emotions to dictate your responses by taking pause and acknowledging what you are feeling. If you can work on that consistently, then you will be able to respond more rationally in a given situation.
By practicing mindfulness and cultivating positivity, you may eventually find yourself on a different mental plane than others. This does not imply a higher status or superiority of some sort. Rather, in this state of being you will approach things with more mental clarity. You will feel more relaxed and less perturbed by negative thoughts. This is called self-actualization.
Negativity is everywhere. It takes no effort to attract it if you are not mindful of your thoughts and actions. Conversely, positivity can be just as abundant if you make a conscious effort to cultivate it. Your mind is a sacred temple that must be treated and guarded with respect. You must nourish it with positivity if you wish to live with greater peace of mind. A few simple things you can do to cultivate positivity are,
1. Self-reflection. All change begins with yourself. Take a few minutes at the end of each day to reflect on important events of the day, whether good or bad. Treat past experiences as lessons and go through ways in which you could have improved your response/reaction the next time you find yourself in a similar situation.
2. Be kind whenever possible.
The Dalai Lama has always preached to be kind and compassionate because they are innate to us, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, or religion. Just how negativity can be infectious, positivity can be just as contagious.
3. Make eye contact and smile.
This is perhaps the simplest thing that you can do at any time. Just don’t be a creep about it. Be genuine. If that is difficult for you, then even a head nod can be effective. Others will feel good about their presence being acknowledged.
4. Talk less, listen more.
Everyone is facing some sort of adversity in his/her life. Sometimes lending an ear can be the best thing you can do to help others.
5. Do small deeds.
Hold the door behind you, help neighbors with their groceries, treat someone to lunch. Little things make a big difference.
6. Remove yourself from negative people. Surround yourself with positive ones.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” — Jim Rohn
7. Stop comparing yourself to others.
A big reason why people are unhappy is because they tend to compare themselves to others. The grass is not always greener on the other side. Be content to be simply you. Be grateful for what you have because there is always someone that would love to trade places with you.
“They laugh at me because I’m different. I laugh at them because they’re all the same.” — Kurt Cobain
Everyone and everything are interconnected in this world. Hence, we all have a moral obligation to spread joy, happiness, and positivity to ensure the survival of all walks of life and of our planet. We are all capable of doing so because those qualities are innate to us. Your every action has a consequence. When actions come from a place of interconnectedness, understanding, compassion, kindness, love and respect, they will create positive, ripple effect on others and on our environment. This is called self-transcendence.
Be compassionate so that we may live in greater peace and harmony. Uplift each other so that we may all thrive and survive.